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divine guidance and wisdom to support you in your life

Divine Guidance
Magdalene Sessions 

Receive Divine Guidance & Wisdom to Support You in Your Life

As a Magdalene Divine Channel of Loving Service, Rai'shael offers you the opportunity to receive the divine frequencies of Oneness, Divine Wisdom and Divine Truth.


This unique experience will assist your heart to open and be lifted into a higher level of consciousness. Be blessed and guided by your Soul to experience the deeper meaning of All That You Are and your connection to your Divine Self. 


Whilst being held by Rai'shael's Divine Presence in a loving space you will be guided through a process and given the opportunity to ask a number of questions close to your heart. Receiving deep wisdom and divine truth to

uplift your being and guide you to take the next step(s) in your life which will support you to experience greater harmony and balance within and support your Souls evolutionary growth.


These Divine Guidance Magdalene sessions will also assist you during these times of great chaos and struggle to find deeper meaning within your world, immense clarity and inner peace and a greater connection within your own Divine Self. 


Allow your heart to guide you in asking the important questions you truly seek .. and know that no question asked is too big or too small.


Time permitting, you will be given the opportunity to ask 3 questions.


Divine guidance and wisdom

Magdalene Session
45 Minutes ~ $75
Divine Guidance & Wisdom
In person or Online via Zoom
All sessions are recorded.

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